Order Your Lightbooth

Nu kan du endelig booke din Lightbooth til private arrangementer og events!

  • Ubegrænset antal billeder
  • Sendes direkte til gæstens telefon
  • Indsæt eget vandmærke eller logo på billederne
  • Både billeder, videoer og boomerang
  • Danmarks mest eksklusive photobooth med beauty-dish light
  • Mulighed for at screencaste til storskærm
  • Link til alle billeder eftersendes til arrangøren

Afhent indenfor åbningstid på Gammeltorv 8 eller tilkøb levering for 300-600 DKK (afhængig af postnummer) i København

Book nu til kun:

1495,- DKK

Levering koster mellem 300-600 DKK og kan kun tilkøbes i København

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Lightbooth Subscription
Only GBP 224,25 / month
with 25% discount for the first 12 months
  • Unlimited photos & videos
  • Customize with your brand
  • Extensive analytics and stats
  • Access to Lightbooth Manager
{{formData.invoiceInfo.companyName}}, {{formData.invoiceInfo.address}}, {{formData.invoiceInfo.city}}

Please enter a valid email address.

Invoice Information

All the fields are required.
{{deliveryInfo.address}}, {{deliveryInfo.city}}

{{formData.invoiceInfo.address}}, {{formData.invoiceInfo.city}}

Will deliver by GLS around {{ shippingDateMin }} - {{ shippingDateMax }}.

All the fields are required.
Set-up Fee: {{ setUpFeeFormatted }}
Shipping to {{ shippingCountryName }}: {{ shippingPriceFormatted }}
Bank Transfer Processing Fee: {{ bankTransferFeeFormatted }}
Total to pay today: {{ totalToPay }}

The monthly subscription fee will be charged from the added card.

Cards Accepted:

Please note that paying by bank transfer may add up to 5 days to the order processing.

Prices are exclusive of VAT and are based on a 3-month minimum subscription term.